Showing posts with label Smoothie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Smoothie. Show all posts

Food Blog: Achieve Weight Loss by Apple Banana Oats Smoothie Recipe

An Apple A Day Keeps Doctor Away – We have heard this English proverb several times in our childhood, and in fact, this is correct. This is because health experts believe apple is loaded with vitamins and minerals that our body requires on daily basis. Supporting this fact, we have prepared apple banana smoothie with oats that is appropriate for your health.

Prepare Apple Banana Smoothie with Oats at Home

You don’t require any special type of ingredients to prepare our apple banana oats smoothie recipe.

Ingredients Required for Apple Banana Oats Smoothie

You require 1 apple, 1 banana, ¼ cup milk, ¼ cup oats, 4-5 pieces of nuts of your choice.

Preparation time – 10 min

Easy Apple Banana Oats Smoothie for Weight Loss

  1. Take one apple wash it and dice it into the blender.
  2. Take one banana peel it and chop it and transfer it to the blender.
  3. Add ¼ cup of milk and start the blender.
  4. Pour the Contents into the glass.
  5. Top it with Oats and few nuts.

Apple Banana Oats Smoothie Prepared at Home by our Food Blogger
Tasty Apple Banana Oats Smoothie Prepared at Home

We have named this smoothie as Golden Smoothie.

Video: Apple Banana Oats Smoothie by our Food Blogger

Nutrients Available in Apple Banana Oats Smoothie

Apple Nutrients

Banana Nutrients

Oats Nutritive Value

Benefits of Apple Banana Smoothie with Oats

  1. Full of Protein: Smoothies are full of minerals and vitamins, but oats are also added in this recipe, which is a powerhouse of protein. Your body needs protein to perform myriad body functions, so including oats in this recipe will surely provide you benefits.
  2. Better than Other Drinks: Apple Banana Smoothie with Oats are surely a better substitute for drinking considering the other drinks because it has national value.
  3. Weight Loss: Drinking this smoothie will surely give a reduction in your weight. This is because it mostly constitutes: protein, minerals, vitamins, and less percentage of fat. Add apple banana smoothie with oats to your diet and you will see the difference!
  4. High Energy: Oats have high carbohydrates in them, which in turn out to be a great source of fuel to your body. Carbohydrates provide energy to your body to carry out your daily activities.

Wrapping up our apple banana oats smoothie!

Our apple banana oats smoothie is a good source of vital nutrients that are required in your body. Most importantly, this recipe will aid you in reducing your body weight. Ideally, smoothies are seen only as drinks, but if we look closely then they are loaded with high nutritional value.

Our Other Smoothie Recipes

Check our other food recipes:

Frequently Asked Questions on Apple Banana Oats Smoothie

Question 1: Can I drink apple banana oats smoothie before my work out?
Answer 1: Yes, you can take our apple banana oats smoothie before your gym regime, as it contains carbohydrates to provide energy to your body which will get lost while exercising.

Question 2: Can I have apple banana oats smoothie for weight loss in my daily diet?
Answer 2: Apple Banana Oats smoothie helps in cutting the extra fat from your body and provides you various nutrients.

Question 3: How many glasses of apple banana oats smoothie can I drink in a day?
Answer 3: It is better to keep the limit of this smoothie to a maximum of 2 glasses in a day – in the morning and in the afternoon.

Prepare Apple and Grape Smoothie Without Yogurt at Home

There is a saying that – an apple a day, keeps the doctor away. When you have one apple a day, you get every vital nutrient that is required in your body. You can eat an apple by cutting into pieces, or in salads, but the best way to have an apple to include in your diet is via apple smoothie. Smoothies are the best way to get every nutrient of the fruit! We have a recipe for apple and grape smoothie without yogurt to share with you.

How to Make Apple Grape Smoothie with Vanilla Ice Cream?

Unlike other apple grape smoothie recipes available online, ours is the simplest one. We have officially named our recipe as The Grape Gulp.

Ingredients required for apple and grape smoothie without yogurt

To prepare a delicious apple and grape smoothie, all you require is one whole apple, and 5-6 grapes (Red Crimson grapes). We have not used any yogurt for this recipe, instead, used vanilla ice cream to add flavor and make it thicker.

Below are the steps for a perfect smoothie:
  1. Take one whole apple (big), and 6-7 Red crimson grapes – and wash them.
  2. Cut the apple into small pieces, and then put apples and grapes simultaneously in the blender.
  3. Turn on the blender.
  4. Pour the blended mixture into a glass. Add 1-1 spoon of chia seeds and vanilla ice-cream to the apple grapes smoothie in the glass. Then, add the remaining mixture into the glass.
  5. You can add 2-3 almonds as toppings.

Homemade Apple Grape Smoothie
Apple Grape Smoothie with Vanilla Ice Cream

Apple Grape Smoothie without yogurt image
Apple Grape Smoothie Garnished with Almonds & Chia Seeds

We are sharing a final version of our Apple Grape Smoothie with Vanilla Ice Cream recipe in a video with you.

Benefits of Apple Grape Smoothie

  1. Control body fat: Apple and grape smoothie are, indeed, helpful in cutting your body weight, because they are acidic.
  2. Soothe your food cravings: Both apples and grapes are enriched with fiber, which keeps your stomach full and you can control your hunger pangs.
  3. Digestive Booster: Apples and grapes being acidic help in boosting your digestive function.
  4. A powerhouse of Antioxidants & Minerals: When you have one glass of apple grape smoothie, you get many nutrients, which are not easy to find in your daily diet.

Nutrients Found in Apple Grape Smoothie

You will get below nutrients while having one glass of apple grape smoothie:

Apple Nutrients:

Apple nutritive value
Apple Nutrients found in Apple Grape Smoothie

Grape Nutrients:

Grapes Nutritive value
Grape Nutrients found in Apple Grape Smoothie

Wrapping up our apple grape smoothie!!
Smoothies are easy to prepare – all you require is the right recipe. Try our apple and grape smoothie without yogurt and you will see the result yourself and the next time when your friends ask you how to make grape apple smoothie? Just share our apple grape smoothie recipe with them! Check our other recipes: Healthy Coconut Ladoo at home & Fruit Smoothie.

How Smoothie is made? : Making Smoothies At Home

Smoothies are loved by all – they are favorite drinks of young children, and weight loss diets for adults. People have their preference for smoothies; some are in favor of smoothie without milk and some want smoothie like ice cream. The health experts have acknowledged this fact that smoothie is good for health. There are several smoothie recipes available on the internet and chef books, but our smoothie recipe is unique.

How to make a fruit smoothie? Fruit Smoothie with Curd Recipe

We are sharing our smoothie recipe with curd named as The Plum Piquant.

Smoothie Ingredients

Our smoothie is simple and easy to make, this smoothie is made of fruits consisting of one small apple, 4-5 plums & 2-3 tablespoons of curd.

Smoothie is made of apple, plum. and curd.
The Plum Piquant prepared with easy smoothie recipe

Fruit Smoothie Recipe: The Plum Piquant

  1. Wash a small apple and 4-5 plums under the running water from the tap, so that, the fruits become dirt free.
  2. You have to peel off both the fruits making sure that there are no seeds left behind in the fruits, otherwise, it will affect the taste of the smoothie.
  3. Put the pieces of fruits into the blender and also add 2-3 tablespoons of curd.
  4. Start your blender and let it blend into a fine concoction/mixture.
  5. If you want to serve it chilled, add 3-4 ice-cubes and blend it again.
  6. Garnish your smoothie with flax seeds and the natural sweetener, i.e., honey or jaggery.

What is the time taken to prepare The Plum Piquant smoothie? Well, approximately 10 minutes.

Benefits of Smoothie

  1. Weight loss: Smoothie is good for health as it is filled with vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals (a powerhouse of antioxidants), and you can easily maintain your bodyweight via it. Smoothie is made of fruits, yogurts, and curds, etc, which, ultimately, cut your body fats and give you the best shape.
  2. Reduce cravings: You will fill full after a glass of fruit smoothie, as smoothies are prepared from fiber-rich fruits.
  3. Easy to make: Smoothie doesn’t take much of your time; you can even prepare it while attending your office meeting on the phone.
  4. Detoxifies the Body: Fruits like apple and plums help cleanse your blood and get rid of several toxins accumulated in your body tissues. Therefore, it is better to add smoothies in your daily diet to fully detoxify your body.
  5. Nourish Your Skin:  Apple and plums contain polyphenols, a power-packed mineral that is a boon for your skin and complexion. It helps you in keeping your skin glowing in the summer and to remain young.

Wrapping up our easy smoothie recipe

We would like you to try our easy smoothie recipe – it will surely benefit your health. It is easier to prepare and digest, and the best remedy to beat the summers. Leave your comments and share this smoothie recipe so that everyone can stay fit and fine.

If you want to try preparing coconut ladoos at home, then try our coconut ladoo recipe.

Smoothie Questionnaire: Answering your queries

Question 1: Which smoothie is best for weight loss? Will smoothies make me lose weight?
Answer 1: There several smoothie recipes available on the internet, market, and chef books – but in our opinion, fruit smoothies will help you in shedding your extra body weight. Try our aforementioned smoothie recipe for a week, and you will see the results.

Question 2: Are smoothie healthy?
Answer 2: Absolutely Yes! Smoothie is good for health – it offers you several multi-vitamins and minerals in just one glass.

Question 3: Can I have a fruit smoothie for lunch?
Answer 3: Yes, you can enjoy fruit smoothie for lunch, or breakfast. You have to maintain your daily limit of the smoothie, i.e., one glass per day.

Question 4: Can I prepare fruit smoothie with ice?
Answer 4: Yes, you can prepare fruit smoothie with ice. Our smoothie recipe (The Plum Piquant) tastes better when you will drop 2-3 ice-cubes in your glass.

Question 5:  Is smoothie or juice better for your health?
Answer 5: According to the research, a smoothie is better than juice because the juice is often free from the pulp of fruits and vegetables. Peeling fruits makes them prone to germs and oxidation, whereas, smoothies consist of every part of the ingredients.