Food Blog: Prepare Your Simple Fruit Salad Recipe at Home

Food Blog: Fruits are nature’s best gift – so why not turn them into homemade fruit salad that can be prepared with a healthy fruit salad recipe. Dietitians recommend that fruit salad is good for health so preparing fruit salad at home is the most nutritious – as it provides you all the health benefits; you get minerals, vitamins & antioxidants in your body.

Homemade Fruit Salad: A Healthy Fruit Salad Recipe

We are sharing a fruit salad quick recipe with you so that you can have fruit salad for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Ingredients for Healthy Fruit Salad Recipe

You can select any fruit of your choice. Our fruit list consists of 1 Papaya, 1 Mango and, 1 Banana. You can proliferate the recipe taste by adding desiccated coconut and chocolate chips or sauce, but this is optional.

How to Make A Fruit Salad Step by Step?

  1. Select any fruit of your choice. In our case, we have selected papaya, mango, and banana fruits.
  2. Wash the fruits properly and cut them into small pieces and put them in a glass.
  3. Now, you can add desiccated coconut over the recipe. This step is optional.
  4. Pour one spoon of liquid chocolate sauce over the recipe in the glass. You can add chocolate chips to this recipe.
  5. Your recipe is ready. Enjoy!

picture of homemade fruit salad
Fruit salad at Home

Benefits of Fruit Salad

  1. Feels full: You will certainly feel full after having a bowl of mixed fruits so it will calm your hunger. Add fruit chat in your diet as a snack or main course, it will help you in both ways.
  2. High Energy Level: Without adding weight to your body, fruit salad provides immense energy level to you due to the sugar present in the fruits. You will feel energized after eating it.
  3. Easy to make: You don’t have to dedicate hours to prepare fruit salad at home, it is prepared in just a few minutes. It is quite easy to make a simple fruit salad recipe at home.
  4. No Guilt feeling: There are certain food items that we feel guilt after having them, such as fried food. But when you have fruit salad, you can’t have guilt feeling because it is free of any bad fats or oxidants, which impose a threat to your body.
  5. Loose weight: There are myriad ways to shed your body weight, and fruit salad is one of them. As we know, fruit salad is good for health so including it in your daily diet will surely help you reduce your weight. You should try our healthy fruit salad recipe for weight loss.

Wrapping up our healthy fruit salad recipe

Fruit salads are boon to your body because it does not contain any harmful material to affect your body. But make sure that you properly wash your fruits before preparing fruit salad because several pesticides and insecticides are sprayed on the fruits. It is proven that fruit salad is good for health and you can have fruit salad for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Furthermore, you can try our Corn Salad Recipe - it is simple to make and enjoy!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Homemade Fruit Salad

Question 1: Can I have fruit salad to lose belly fat?
Answer 1: Fruit salad is a safe way to lose your belly fat when you take it according to your body requirements. You cannot solely depend on only fruit salad to shed your body weight, additionally, exercise should be included in your daily regime.

Question 2: Can I have fruit salad for lunch or any time of the day?
Answer 2: We want to say that you can have our fruit salad for breakfast, fruit salad for lunch or fruit salad for dinner; it is completely safe. But we would recommend not to take fruit salad at night, because fruits tend to generate flatulence in some people, so it would affect their sleep at night.

Question 3: How much fruit salad should I take in a day?
Answer 3: Having a healthy meal in your daily routine is good, and we would recommend one bowl of fruits is enough to give you energy and nutrients.


  1. Thanks for this helpful recipe👍😊

  2. Thanks for this amazing recipe👍its nice for weightloss😍

    1. Your welcome. We hope that you enjoyed our recipe. :)
