Showing posts with label Cake Recipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cake Recipe. Show all posts

Food Blog: Easy to Prepare Bourbon Biscuit Cake Recipe

Bourbon biscuit cake prepared at home has no match with cakes prepared in the bakery shops. When you prepare bourbon biscuit cake at home, then you become of how much sugar, cream, toffees, caramel, and butter etc. were added in the cake while baking. Keeping this in mind, our food blogger baked bourbon biscuit cake in lockdown, and we want to share a chocolate biscuit cake recipe with you.

People generally ask us how to make chocolate biscuit cake without an oven? Our answer: it’s quite simple! This is because we bake chocolate biscuit cake without an oven. Well, this sounds quite astonishing. So, what we do? We prepared chocolate biscuit cake in a pressure cooker, and it turns to be a yummy chocolate biscuit cake.

How to Make Bourbon Biscuit Cake at Home?

Let's bake a bourbon biscuit cake in a pressure cooker with us!

Ingredients Required for Bourbon Biscuit Cake

You require 5 ingredients to bake bourbon biscuit cake:
  1. Bourbon biscuits (4 packets)
  2. Milk (2.5 small cups)
  3. Confectionary items, like, Cadbury gems (1 large packet).
  4. Tablespoon Baking Soda and Powder (1/4 tablespoon each).
  5. Chocolate Syrup, such as Hershey (1/2 cup).
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Baking Time: 40 minutes

Bourbon Biscuit Cake Step by Step Recipe

1) Grind your bourbon biscuits (4 packets) into a fine powder.

bourbon biscuit cake step by step image
Bourbon Biscuits to prepare Chocolate Biscuit Cake

Bourbon Biscuits Crushed into a Fine Powder Picture
Grind Bourbon Biscuits to Prepare Chocolate Biscuit Cake

2) Add the above mixture into a bowl and slowly add milk to form a thick consistency batter. (See below video)

Video: Add milk to the Mixture

3) Stir the mixture to avoid forming lumps.
4) We can add either complete or crushed gems into the batter at this step. (See below picture & video)

picture of bourbon biscuit cake recipe
Crushed Gems added to the Batter

Video: Crushed Gems Added to the Batter

5) Add 1/4 tablespoon of baking powder and soda each into the mixture.
6) Apply butter paper on the inside of the cooker & grease it well with a little oil.
7) Pour the batter into the cooker and place it over the stove on medium flame. (See below video)

Video: Batter Pouring into the Pressure Cooker

8) Place the lid on the cooker without whistle.
9) Let it cook for 40 minutes. After 40 minutes, using the backside of the spoon, gently puncture (2-3 times) the top of the cake, making sure that nothing sticks to the spoon.
10) Let it completely cool then move the cooker upside down to get the cake out on the plate.
11) For icing the cake, you can use chocolate syrup (Hershey's). Put the syrup into a bowl, add crushed almonds (5-6 pieces), and cashew nuts (5-6 pieces) into it to give your cake a nutty flavor and spread the same onto the cake. (See below picture)

how to make chocolate biscuit cake at home picture
Cake Icing: Add Chocolate Hershey's for Chocolate Biscuit Cake

chocolate biscuit cake for birthday picture
Cake Icing: Bourbon Biscuit Mixed with Hershey's
12) You can finally decorate the cake using gems.
13) To set the cake, place in the fridge for 15 minutes.

Food blogger prepared Chocolate biscuit cake
Yummy Chocolate Biscuit Cake

After this, your bourbon biscuit cake is ready! Enjoy it with your loved ones.

Quick Fact: We have prepared this bourbon cake without eggs.

Benefits of Baking Chocolate Biscuit Cake at Home

  1. Sugar Control: When you bake chocolate biscuit at home, then you know how much sugar you are adding to the cake. But when you order a cake from the shop, you don’t are unknown from this fact.
  2. Economical: We all have seen the menu of the cake shops and we order the most expensive cake from there. But preparing chocolate biscuit cake at home will surely cut your costs, and as a result, you get the best result at home.
  3. Add Your Favorite Toppings: You have the freedom to add your favorite toppings on your bourbon biscuit cake, but this is not available in the readymade cakes.
  4. Wrapping Up Our Bourbon Biscuit Cake Recipe
  5. We would recommend to you that prepare a bourbon biscuit cake at home only because it has more benefits than purchasing it from a bakery shop. Even our food bloggers prepared bourbon biscuit cake in lockdown and it was yummy chocolate biscuit cake.

It is better to prepare sweets at home! Well, if you have tried & baked our bourbon cake recipe, then we would recommend you to try our Instant Coconut Ladoo recipe.

Frequently Asked Questions on Bourbon Biscuit Cake

Question 1: What is chocolate biscuit cake?
Answer 1: Chocolate cake is prepared with chocolate as the main ingredient. We have used both bourbon biscuits & chocolate syrup in making our chocolate cake.

Question 2: How to make chocolate biscuit cake at home?
Answer 2: Preparing chocolate cake at home is quite easy. Please refer to our above recipe to prepare it.

Question 3: Can I prepare a chocolate biscuit cake without an oven?
Answer 3: Yes, you can prepare a chocolate biscuit cake without an oven.

Question 4: Can I freeze chocolate biscuit cake?
Answer 4: Yes, you can freeze chocolate biscuit cake, and for this, you shall require a refrigerator to keep it at a cool temperature. The temperature should remain the same on which your refrigerator is operating on.

Question 5: Suggest me chocolate biscuit cake for Christmas.
Answer 5: Well, our suggestion is that you can surely bake our chocolate recipe on your Christmas eve, or you can even prepare our chocolate biscuit cake for birthday parties.