Floral Blog - 6 Flowers You Should Read About

Floral Blog: Are you searching for the best floral blog? Do you want a photoblog that has all the exquisite flower photography? It is strenuous to find exotic flower photos, so what we did is that we clicked the best flower photos and posted them.

Our talented photobloggers have captured the beauty of every spectacular flower for you to enjoy. Every picture delivers a great visualization from our floral directory.

Let us go through the various colors of nature from the cameras of our photobloggers.

Exotic Floral Blog Section Clicked by Photo Bloggers

Our motive is to provide information through visuals and words.
We would like to provide suffice information through our photography blog to you.

What is Macro Photography?

Macro Photography by Photo Blogger
A perfect example of Macro Photography captured by Photoblogger
Macro Photography is a special kind of photography that has been mastered by our photoblogger.

Interesting Facts about Macro Photography

Other Names of Macro photography

Macro photography (the other names are – photomicrography, macrography, and macrophotography)

Features of Macro Photography

Speaking of the current time, Photomicrography is a remarkable photography skill that has become a favorite genre of the number of photo bloggers.

With this photography finesse, you can capture close-up photography of very minute subjects – whether living or non-living.

In the current scenario, as technology has taken a new course, new technological cameras are trending nowadays.

In the prior period, photo bloggers used small-sensor digital cameras, but now their competition comes in the macro capabilities, known as DSLR.

In brief about the DSLR camera – it has a “true lens” through which you can capture stunning macrography for your photo blog.

French Marigold

French Marigold Photography by Photo Blogger
Floral Blog: A snapshot of French Mariglod

Interesting Facts about French Marigold Flower

Name of the flower specie

Tagetes Patula. In layman language, this flower is called French Marigold. 

The word “patula” is a Latin origin word meaning with a spreading habit.

Some florists categorize Tagetes Patula as the same from the family of Tagetes Erecta.

Geography of Daisy Flowers

Tagetes Patula mainly blooms in Mexico and Guatemala regions.

Features of the flower

Tagetes Patula is an annual flowering plant in the daisy family.

It has a potential height of 0.5 meters (1.6 feet) and a width of 0.3 meters (1 foot). 

This flower has a flowering season from July to October.

In its home region that is the highlands of central Mexico, Tagetes Patula is grown from the starting of September to whole winters.

All the leaves of French marigold have oil glands, which are pungent.

Common Reed Flower

Photo Blogger clicked Common Reed
Floral Blog: A picture of Common Reed

Interesting Facts about Common Reed Flower

Name of the specie

Phragmites or commonly known as Common Reed.

Geography of Common Reed flowers

These flowers have their presence in wetlands throughout the temperate and tropical regions of the world.

Features of Common Reed Flower

According to Kew Garden in London, they have categorized Phragmites into four species:

  • Phragmites australis – These are found all over the world.
  • Phragmites japonicus – These flowers have their presence in several countries, like, Japan, Korea, Ryukyu Islands, and Russian Far East.
  • Phragmites karka – These flowers are grown in the tropical regions of Africa, southern Asia, Australia, and some Pacific Islands.
  • Phragmites mauritianus – Basically, found in central & the southern parts of various countries, like, Africa, Madagascar, and Mauritius.

Ceratostylis Flower

Snapshot of Ceratostylis Flower
Floral Blog: Image of Ceratostylis Flower

Interesting Facts about Ceratostylis Flower

Other names of Ceratostylis Flower Name

Ceratostylis is widely known as
  • Ceratostylis retisquama 
  • Ceratostylis latipetala
  • Ceratostylis rubra

Quick Fact About Ceratostylis Flower

Ceratostylis retisquama, Ceratostylis latipetala, and Ceratostylis rubra were named in the year 1857 after a botanist and the foremost German orchidologist – Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach.

Geography of Ceratostylis Flowers

Ceratostylis is found in the world countries, like, China, India, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, the Philippines, and Melanesia.

Flower Features
Ceratostylis flowers have more than 140 species found in nature. These flowers bloom at a certain altitude of 0-500 meters; they are mainly in the areas which cover more sunlight.

Malvales Flowers

Exclusive Malvales Flowers on floral blog
Floral Blog: An Image of Malvales Flower

Interesting Facts about Malvales Flower

Name of the flower

This flower is commonly known as Malvales in the region where they are grown. The scientific name of Malvales flower is Malvaceae sensu lato. 

Geography of Malvales Flowers

Malvales flowers are cosmopolitan, and they are grown in tropics, subtropics & temperate regions. In Madagascar, you can see three types of Malvales flowers, which are – Sphaerosepalaceae, Sarcolaenaceae, and Diegodendraceae.

Nature of the Malvales Flower

Generally, Malvales are flowering plants; they have 6000 species, and that is within only nine families. These flowers have a special kind of vitality for their wood – Ochroma (balsa) is light in weight; Tilia (lime, linden, or basswood) is famous amongst the craftsmen because they can carve it easily.

Plumeria Flower

Image of Plumeria Flower
Floral Blog: Snapshot of a Plumeria Flower

Interesting Facts about Plumeria Flower

Name of the flower

Being from the family of Apocynaceae, Plumeria is one of its kind of flowers. A famous flower in horticultural circles, so it is commonly known as Frangipani.

Geography of Plumeria Flowers

Plumeria flower is native to MexicoCentral America, the Caribbean, South Brazil, & North Florida. 

The amazing fact about plumeria flower is that they are cultivated for a specific reason – cosmopolitan ornaments – in warm regions.

Plumeria Flower in Popular Culture

Many paraphernalias are prepared with plumeria flowers in most of the Pacific islands. People living in Tahiti, Fiji, Samoa, Hawaii, New Zealand, Tonga, and the Cook Islands prepare garland (lei) from this flower.

Plumeria flower has its significance as the national flower of Nicaragua (Local name: sacuanjoche; Type: Plumeria rubra) and Laos (Local name: dok champa; Type: Plumeria alba).

Nature of the Plumeria Flower

Frangipani is a flowering plant, belonging to deciduous shrubs or small trees; they scatter fragrance at night to catch the attention of sphinx moths. Generally, the plumeria flowers are prosaic.


Flowers fill nature with their presence, color, and aroma. This is the main keywords on which our photobloggers always work and they capture riveting images of the flowers for you.

We have provide ample information on:

  • Macro Photography
  • French Marigold Flower 
  • Common Reed Flower
  • Ceratostylis Flower
  • Malvales Flowers
  • Plumeria Flower
If you can’t find your favorite flower here, then we would like you to tell us about that in our comment section. Stay tuned with us for more information on the flowers.


  1. I love reading your blog,keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks, Paramjot. More content will be on the way.

  2. Excellent research. Very informative.Great work
