Floral Blog – 7 Exotic Flower Pictures By Photo Blogger

Do you like flowers? Do you love being around the aromatic red roses? Well, we deliver flowers to you in a photography blog. Our photo bloggers have clicked the most beautiful flower pictures for our floral blog. We represent you a different angle of photography from our side, which results in having the best beautiful flower images on our photography blog.

Every flower is unique in the nature. What we believe is that there is always an unseen angle of photography, and we are focusing on that part!

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Section of Flowers Photos| Photography Blog | Photo Blogger

We want to impart knowledge to the flower lovers or who are keen to learn about the flowers.

1) Damiana Flower

Daminana Flower Captured by Photo Blogger
Photography Blog: Image of Damiana Flower

Interesting Facts About the Damiana flower:

Name of the flower

Damiana flower, or else known as Turnera Diffusa, is a member of Passifloraceae.

Geography of the flower

Generally, you can locate Daminana flower in the United States of America, Central & South America, Mexico and the Caribbean region.

Flower Structure

Damiana flowers are aromatic flowers; they emerge a soothing fragrance that keeps the surrounding environment in a positive manner.

In size, they are small and are woody shrub. Moreover, Damiana flower is a store-house of essential oil, which is equivalent to chamomile.

The blossom time of the Damiana flower is certainly from early to late summer.

A Message That Damiana Flower Depicts

What does the yellow color signify in Damiana Flower? The yellow color is the representation of a joyful and happy life. A perfect click of this yellow flower by our photo blogger is mind-blowing. 

This blossomed yellow flower is optimally giving out a message of a joyful life. 
When you are alone in your life, nobody is standing beside you, and then you always keep a baton of survival in your hands. 

Don’t lose hope in any circumstance of your life. You are awarded this life for a purpose – so enjoy this life to your fullest.

2) Petunia Flower

Petunia Flower Captured by Photo Blogger
Floral Blog: Picture of Petunia Flower

Interesting Facts about the Petunia flower

Name of the flower 

Petunia – the name is derived from the French word “petun” meaning tobacco.

Geography of the Petunia flower

Petunia originate and blossoms in the region of South American origin. You can certainly see the hybrid Petunia when their annual season comes.

Uses of Petunia Flower

As Petunia is a flowering plant, it is garnering popularity in the phase of the home garden. People are attracted to Petunia flowers due to their color, size, and plant architecture.

Petunia flower facts

Purple color is a combination of two colors – Red & Blue. The blue color gives the calmness, and red provides powerful energy.

A purple Petunia flower in this photo depicts that it originates with a blend of calm energy. The energy channelizes from this color is has a calming effect on the stimulus.

Types of Petunia Flowers

In the botany world, Petunia flowers are of four sub-categories: 

  • Grandiflora
  • Multiflora
  • Milliflora
  • Spreading.

3) Old World Swallow Tail Butterfly

Old World Swallow Tail captured by Photo Blogger
Photography Blog: Picture of Old World Swallow Tail

Interesting Facts about the Old World Swallow Tail Butterfly

Name of the butterfly
This butterfly’s name is taken from Greek Mythology: Machaon.

Geography found in

The Old World Swallow Tail Butterflies are native to Russia, China, Japan, Canada, Alaska, the USA, Iran, Israel, Nepal, Bhutan, and northern Myanmar.

What does the old world swallowtail eat?

The newly-hatched caterpillars rely on the leaves on which they are born. 

As the caterpillars become old, their preference changes to the flowers – they eat flowers of the parsley family.

Message by Old World Swallow Tail Butterfly

A butterfly holds the most eccentric disposition: it always flies around the flowers filled with the nectar.

It hops from one flower to another, makes a choice, and drink nectar from there. However, it always passes away the congregation of noxious flowers.

Learn to be in the group of your cohorts; leave aside all of those frivolous minds. Keep a circle of good company around yourself – they will motivate you in your life.

4) Godetia Flower

Picture Captured for Photography Blog
Floral Blog: Image of Godetia Flower

Interesting Facts about Godetia flower

Name of the flower

Commonly known as Godetia – Clarkia Amoena as its scientific name, it is a flowering plant.

Area found in

You can find this flowering plant in western North America, alongside the coastal hills and mountains of British Columbia. Moreover, its presence is also in the south of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Flower Structure

Godetia comes in the category of an annual plant. It has a height of 1 meter. This flower leaves structure is:
  • Slender
  • Linear (2-7 centimeters long)
  • 2-6 millimeter broad.

6) Common Daisy (White flower)

Floral Blog: Picture of Common Daisy

Interesting Facts about Common Daisy flower

Name of the flower
Common Daisy (also known as Lawn Daisy or English Daisy) and in the scientific term, the flower name is Bellis Perennis. The ancient name of Common Daisy flower was Bruisewort & Woundwort.

Area found in

It is a common flower in the European countries (western, central & northern Europe). Common Daisy flower is also present in the continents of America & Australasia.

Flower Structure

Being a perennial herbaceous plant, this plant has rhizomes (short creeping) and spoon-shaped leaves. The peculiar thing is about the size of their rosettes leaves that are 3/4 to 2 inches (approx. 2–5 cm) long.

Daisy Flower Types

The two famous types of daisy flowers are Shasta daisy and African daisy.

7) Field Marigold

Snapshot showing Field Marigold flower
Photography Blog: Snapshot of Field Marigold by our Photo Blogger

Interesting Facts about Field Marigold Flower

Flower Name

Field Marigold and the scientific name given is Calendula Arvensis. In the regions of Iran & Pakistan, Field Marigold has the epithet of Gul-e-Sharfi & Gul-e-Asharfi, respectively.

Area found in

Firstly, field marigold has its impression in central & southern Europe, but now their popularity is recognized worldwide.

Flower Structure

Field Marigold flower comes under the category of herb (it can be annual or biennial). Generally, this flower has a height ranging from 10-50 centimeters.

A Bonus Content by Our Photo Blogger 

Photography Blog
A Perfect Capture By Photo Blogger

This flower photography offers a message – you have to sacrifice your most beloved thing (the blurred flower in the portrait) to reach your destination (light in the background).

Reaching a height can said an easy task. But to remain at that height, to maintain oneself there at that point, is quite strenuous.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Our Flower Blog

Question 1: Do roses come under the category of the fruits?
Answer 1: Roses have a close resemblance to the fruits, such as apples, raspberries, cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, pears, and almonds.

Question 2: Which is the most expensive spice in the world considering the price?
Answer 2: If you consider the price, then the saffron is the most expensive spice in the world, which originates from a crocus flower.

Question 3: Tell us about the largest plant in the world.
Answer 3: Titan Arums holds the baton for the largest plant in the world. As per its size, it is 10 feet in height and 3 feet in width.

Question 4: What is the flower name from which the glue originates?
Answer 4: The juice of bluebell flowers is considered to make glue.

Question 5: What is the blooming time of Moonflowers?
Answer 5: As the name suggests, you can see the beauty of moonflowers at night. During the day, the moonflowers get close.

Conclusion| Photography Blog | Photo Blogger

Flowers are the most relevant constituent of the biosphere; millions of life are dependent on them. The seven flowers that we have discussed with you are exotic, and all the masterpiece flower pictures are straight from the camera equipment of our talented photographers.

Our Floral BlogSpot has provided information on Damiana Flower, Petunia Flower, Old World Swallow Tail Butterfly, Godetia Flower, Common Daisy (White flower), and Field Marigold. You can also motivate our team by – liking, sharing & subscribing – to our photography blog.


  1. Excellent information with perfect capture makes the blog a good read.Reach for the stars and believe in yourself 👍

    1. Thanks for motivating us. Your words are precious to us.

  2. Very interesting content! Keep it coming. Didn't know the world was so beautiful with all these pretty flowers! ��

    1. Hi, Tavleen. Thanks for your valuable comment. More content is coming on our blog. Be in touch.

  3. Very good blog! Good content! Very informative

    1. Thanks Jasleen for your comment. Keep coming back for more!
