Showing posts with label Coronavirus Update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coronavirus Update. Show all posts

How I Recovered From 2020 Coronavirus at Home? All About Coronavirus Symptoms & Vaccine

Coronavirus Update: People believed that 2020 would be a chauffeur of a great year. But who knew that coronavirus pandemic was waiting for the whole world! World Health Organization (W.H.O) took expeditious measures towards the 2020 disease outbreak. The world population is affected by this pandemic in terms of economy, livelihood, and health. Even I succumbed to the corona symptoms and 100% recovered from it. I will share my coronavirus tips so that you can stay protected from it.

Corona Tips to Safeguard Yourself from 2020 Coronavirus

I was an asymptomatic patient (means showing no sign) of the coronavirus. There weren’t any coronavirus symptoms that occurred to me, but the real talk is that you are under the influence of coronavirus. Your body is under attack by the coronavirus, and you don’t know about it. After a few days, the corona symptoms in me started showing.

Below are the most common coronavirus symptoms:

  1. fever
  2. dry cough
  3. tiredness

Below mentioned are the less common coronavirus symptoms:

  1. aches and pains
  2. sore throat
  3. diarrhea
  4. conjunctivitis
  5. headache
  6. loss of taste or smell
  7. a rash on the skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes

Below are the serious corona symptoms:

  1. difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  2. chest pain or pressure
  3. loss of speech or movement

Note: I’ve to be more specific here that you can have a mix of these symptoms, as I had, and in some exceptional cases, you can get infected with coronavirus without main symptoms.

What to do When You Have Coronavirus Symptoms?

You have to leave no chance once you have confirmed corona symptoms because you can infect others also.

Isolate Yourself

The first step you can do is “isolate yourself”; you only require a room in which nobody can enter for at least 14 days. It would be best if the room has an attached bathroom to it.

With this step, you are becoming a “Samaritan” by isolating yourself and not infecting others.

Coronavirus Testing

After I spotted my coronavirus symptoms, I started looking for coronavirus testing near me. I went for the coronavirus testing with a pounding heart. The doctors there wrapped in full PPE kit took my samples from the throat & nostrils, then I was asked to go home and remain isolate until the report comes out. Unfortunately, I got my health report from the corona testing center, and the result came out as a “positive” corona patient.

Mentally Prepare Yourself

The fact is that several coronavirus vaccine trials are going on worldwide, but unfortunately, there is still no vaccine available in the market. There is an assurance from the historical data about the corona recovery. Unfortunately, if the corona test report reflects that you have coronavirus, then don’t lose hope. The recovery rate of coronavirus is exemplary in India as compared to other countries.

How to Manage Yourself in Coronavirus Situation?

There are certain things that you have to manage yourself if you are a positive corona patient.

Healthy Meals

Diet has a vital role in a coronavirus situation; your meals should contain all the vitamins and minerals.

I started my day with a glass of fresh coconut water (put an image of coconut), and after 30 minutes, I used to take Giloy juice.

Fresh Coconut Water
Fresh Coconut Water in the Morning

Giloy Juice
Giloy Juice for a Coronavirus Patient

I kept myself adhere to the lighter meals that include eggs & an immunity drink (kava) in my breakfast.

Breakfast for a coronavirus patient
Breakfast consist of Eggs & Immunity Drink in Coronavirus situation

In the afternoon meal, I used to have a salad (including cucumber and tomato), chapattis, and ridged gourd.

Full Diet Plan of a Coronavirus Patient
Afternoon Meal consist of Salad, Chappatis & Ridged Gourd

My dinner had soups so that it is easier for me to digest and get a good sleep at night.

Medicine at Proper Time

When I was tested positive for the coronavirus, then the medical institution took my vital information (for example, mobile phone & isolation address) and passed onto the government. The medical staff came to me in the next 1 or 2 days to paste a “coronavirus poster” outside my home. A coronavirus poster was pasted on my house gate by the medical staff that led me to imply by the coronavirus restrictions in my area. Furthermore, the coronavirus restrictions in my area are that I can’t step outside of my home until the official quarantine period is over.

The coronavirus poster will have:

  1. Full name of the coronavirus patient
  2. Quarantine Day Period (preferably 14 days)

Furthermore, the medical staff will provide you the medicines (which are mainly cough syrups) and would advise you to take an ample amount of rest.

What you have to do is – note down your body temperature after every 4 hours, keep a tab on your oxygen level (should not be less than 90), and your blood pressure level.

I selected the below medications while coping with coronavirus:

1. Multivitamins Tablets

Dr Morepen Multi vitamin Tablets
Multivitamin Tablets for Coronavirus

2. Vitamin C Tablets

Vitamin C is beneficial for Corona Patients
Vitamin C Tablets

3. Zinc Tablets 

Fast & Up Tablets for Zinc Supplement
Fast&Up Tablets for a Coronavirus Patient

Note: I took the above medicines after the consultation of the medical staff.

Regular Check-up Calls

You will get regular calls on your mobile number from the government medical staff, and they will ask you about your health. If you are unable to breathe accurately or your oxygen level is below 95, then you should call for an ambulance.


There is arises a question that – can coronavirus live on clothes? A virus is a dead body that requires a host body to live. So, wash your clothes properly & dry them in the sunlight.

Wash your clothes yourself with hands, or you can use a washing machine. Put a few drops of Dettol in the water and then rinse the clothes in it.

Use Dettol for bathing in Coronavirus
Dettol kills various types of bacteria & virus


I recovered from the coronavirus with proper guidance from the government official staff. They asked about my health conditions by calling on my mobile number regularly. You don’t have to worry –  take proper rest, meal & medicine at the right time. Please refrain from sidelining yourself from any of these vital points.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Coronavirus

Question 1: Will coronavirus ever end?

Answer 1: Like other diseases, coronavirus will also end. World Health Organization (W.H.O) has stated it as pandemic disease, so every country is researching for the vaccine. Once the corona vaccine is out, then coronavirus will be history.

Question 2: Why coronavirus is not deadly?

Answer 2: There is a misconception that if you have the coronavirus, then you will die. It is a false claim. If you are having a healthy diet, taking proper medicines, and keep yourself clean, then coronavirus is not deadly for you.

Question 3: When coronavirus will end in India?

Answer 3: The trajectory of corona patients is going upwards at the current time, but the government of India has given assurance that the vaccine is under development – maybe we will get the vaccine in 2021.

Question 4: How coronavirus is transmitted?

Answer 4: As per medical research conducted by various medical institutions, the report says the coronavirus spreads via the droplets of an infected person to a healthy person. It is how coronavirus spreads. Always keep a mask on your face while stepping out of the house or while interacting with anybody.

Question 5: When coronavirus symptoms appear?

Answer 5: If you have the coronavirus, then it would take 5-7 days when the corona symptoms will start showing in you.